Saturday, March 5, 2011

Playin' Possum

He's not playing, he's totally dead.  


In other news, a friend challenged me to draw some cartoons about zombies, which aren't really known for being comedy gold mines.  But what the hell, I like a good challenge... unless it's too hard, then I consider it a stupid challenge.  I'll take a shot at this one though.  Here's some sketches.
 Ok... This was the first one, and I think I found a
happy medium between grotesque and funny ha ha.

Next came this happy fella, he's kinda a summer zombie
as you can tell by his sandals and breezy short shorts.

I'm all for equal opportunity, so I had to inculde a woman  zombie.
I like to think that before her "accident" she once told someone that
she wouldn't be caught dead without her purse and pearls.
Then there's this little guy... Ah, where to begin.  I wanted to
do a zombie dog.  But I couldn't seem to nail the vapid zombie expression
of the others.  To me he just kept looking sad... probably misses the lower half
of his torso.

I'm assuming they can't read, not English anyway.  I usually try and write something about the inspiration for the cartoon... But I just don't remember with this one... I think I might have been watching animal planet at the time.

Friday, March 4, 2011

For those who don't know, this is a pretty accurate representation of what an Aardvark actually looks like.  It's as though an Ant Eater and a pig had a drunken one night stand.  The pig was looking for something long term but Ant Eaters are known for fearing commitment.  Then three months, three weeks and three days later.  BAM.  Aardvark.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

First. Post. Ever.

Two biscuits are in an oven.  The first biscuit turns to the second and says.  "Boy it's hot in here isn't it?"  The second biscuit says " HOLY SH*T!.  A talking biscuit!" 

When I first heard this joke many a year ago,  it struck me as one of the funniest things I had ever heard.  Naturally I shared it with friends, family, and coworkers.  They didn't seem to appreciate it as much as i did.  All I got were eye rolls and groans.  Maybe I was doing something wrong, was my timing off?  Perhaps I wasn't saying the punch line loud enough.  I mean the joke was comedy gold right.  So... I told it again... and again... and eventually it did get the laughs.  Though at that point they might have been laughing at me instead.  Whatever.  I told it. They laughed.  I win.

Now on to some cartoons.

I still get a chuckle out of this one... Just the thought of a chicken not knowing where eggs come from, or that it just passed something the size of it's head.  Classic.